Support for Autistic Children,Teens, & Adults in Middlesex, NJ
As a Neurodiversity Affirming Therapist, I believe that individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder do not need to be "fixed" or "cured." They should not be "trained" to conform to what society believes to be the norm. We should not force Autistic individuals to make eye contact as this is uncomfortable for them. We should not work with Autistics on hand flapping as this is regulating for them. We should instead help individuals with Autism identify the sources of their distress rather than use rewards and punishment to address their stress-related behaviors. Autistics should be accepted for who they are. They should not be taught to ignore their feelings and needs but instead should be encouraged to express themselves. We should be teaching Autistic individuals to understand their emotions and needs, as their emotional well-being is so important. We need to teach them how to advocate for themselves as often individuals with Autism are unable to be assertive due to always trying to please others.
Unfortunately, Autistics often experience heightened anxiety and are traumatized due to the way society views and treats them.

In my work with Autistics, I provide the individual with autonomy. It is not up to me to decide what they need help with. The individual decides what support they needs in therapy. I respect all Autistics choice of communication and support their sensory needs. I respect their limits and never make them do anything they don't want or feel uncomfortable doing. I never push the individual and always meet them where they are.
As a Neurodiversity Affirming Therapist, I accept the individual for who they are and celebrate their strengths. In my sessions, I use the individual’s strengths and interests to support them. I work with them on developing strategies to help address their needs.
When working with individuals with Autism, I often use AutPlay Therapy and EMDR Therapy to help the individual depending on what their needs are.
Some of the reasons Autistic children, teens, adults see me are:
Individuals with Autism experience differences in neurology. They may think differently, process their senses differently, move differently, communicate differently, and socialize differently. Some Autistic individuals need help with daily living, but this is not the case for all, as the level of needs an individual with Autism has differs from individual to individual. Children, teens, and adults with Autism may:
Engage in stimming and/or echolalia
Speak passionately about special interests
Find security in routines
Be Hyper or hyporeactivity to stimuli

Some Positive Traits of Autistics
Attention to detail: Individuals with Autism tend to have a keen eye for detail and can often notice things that others may overlook.
Strong memory: Many children, teens, and adults with Autism have an excellent memory and can recall details and facts with remarkable accuracy.
Unique perspective: Autistic individuals often have a unique perspective on the world and can see things in a way that others cannot.
Intense focus: Children, teens, and adults with Autism can often become intensely focused on their interests or hobbies, spending hours learning and perfecting their skills.
Honesty: Autistic individuals tend to be honest and straightforward in their communication, which can be refreshing in a world where many people are not. This can make them trustworthy and reliable, and can be a valuable trait in personal relationships.
Loyalty: Children, teens, and adults with Autism often have a strong sense of loyalty and can be deeply devoted to their friends and family.
Persistence: Autistic individuals often have a high level of persistence and can work through challenges and obstacles to achieve their goals.
Passion: Autistic children, teen, and adults often have a deep passion for their interests and hobbies, and this can be infectious to others.
Creativity: Many Autistic children, teens, and adults are highly creative and have a rich imagination.
Empathy: While Autistics may struggle with social communication and interaction, they often have a deep sense of empathy and can be highly attuned to the emotions and needs of others.